Importance of Organic Chemistry
Importance of organic chemistry
No field of science is so closely related with our daily activities as is organic chemistry. The food we eat is mainly organic in nature. The changes which this food undergoes in our bodies are organic chemical reactions. Metabolism, growth and maintenance of our bodily functions involves organic chemistry, as do the analogous changes taking place throughout the entire living world, plant and animal.
The clothes be wear, the dyes that color them, the soap and starch used to launder them, the leather in our shoes, as well as the dye and shoe polish, are products of organic chemical industry. Many of the structural materials in our houses and furniture, as well as paints and varnishes used for finishing them are all organic. Many of the appointments in our motorcars, their fuels and lubricants and the fuel which power our industrial plants are all organic in nature. The tremendous importance of organic compounds in everyday life is elected by the following list:
Food: proteins, fats, carbohydrates
Clothing: cotton, silk, wool, nylon, rayon
Shelter: wood, paints, varnishes
Power and Transportation: natural gas, petroleum products, coal
Medicines and drugs: Penicillin G, LSD streptomycin
Insecticides: DDT
Herbicides: Treflan, 2,4-D
Hormones and steroids
Vitamins and Enzymes
Antiseptics and Anaesthetics
Pigments and Dyes
Paper and inks
Photographic films and Developers Perfumes and flavours
Plastics, Rubber and Raisins
Propellants and Explosives
Soaps and Detergents
Frequently investigations based upon organic chemistry have profoundly influenced the lives of many people, sometimes even the course of Civilization. At one time thousand of acres of land were required in the growing of plants such as Indigo and Turkey red. Organic chemical research showed how to synthesise these dyes from coal-tar and thus released this land for other productive uses.
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