Why Organic Chemistry is a separate discipline?
Why organic chemistry is a separate discipline?
Organic compounds are the same fundamental laws of chemistry that hold for inorganic compounds. However, they are studied as a separate discipline because of the following reasons:
1-Large number of compounds> There are approximately 1,00,000 known inorganic compounds and this number is not rapidly increasing. On the other hand there are 5 million known organic compounds and several thousand new compounds are synthesized each year. If the study of 5 million organic compounds was included with that of carbon under inorganic Chemistry, it would throw the subject out of balance.
2-Unique chemical and physical properties> There are marked differences between the composition, structure and properties of organic and inorganic compounds (see in Table below) which make their study as a separate branch practical and useful.
3-Unique character of carbon> Carbon has the ability to bond successively to other carbon atoms to form chains of varying lengths and shapes. This property of carbon is called catenation and is responsible for the variety and large number of organic compounds.
3-Unique character of carbon> Carbon has the ability to bond successively to other carbon atoms to form chains of varying lengths and shapes. This property of carbon is called catenation and is responsible for the variety and large number of organic compounds.
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